Current Burn Ban Status - COUNTY WIDE burn ban IN EFFECT !
Prior to burning anything in Mahoning Township, you should place a NON-EMERGENCY phone call to the Carbon County Communications Center at (800) 452-1813 or (570) 325-9111 and advise them you will be having a controlled burn. They will ask you your name, address and contact number so that it on record. This information also helps us determine our response should someone see your burn and call it in as an emergency. It is NOT currently OK to burn within the rules of the Mahoning Township Burn Ordinance we ask you that you do this with a lot of thinking prior to lighting something to burn. First, consider the conditions at the moment you are going to start for such things as moisture, wind, etc. Second, think about those same conditions for the rest of the day, and even the next few days. The end results of your burning will often stay hot on the pile for days and possilby weeks. If conditions are dry or winding or anticipated to be dry and windy in the future, you should consider burning at another time. The best time to burn will always be in the rain. The best way to prevent a wildfire is not to start one in the first place. The majority of brush fires we respond to are started by humans. Please be advised that if you start a controlled fire that should happen to get out of control needing multi-agency response to extinguish, you can be liable for the costs of extinguishment which can add up very quickly. PLEASE - BE CAREFUL.