If you look around your community you will find that those who volunteer are actually a lot like yourself. Their lives are busy with jobs, hobbies, children, responsibilities, etc. Certainly volunteering is not easy. In fact, it's a whole lot easier to ignore it rather to join it. A community is defined by the character and actions of those who reside in it. Want to make a difference? Want to feel good about being an integral part of all that makes your community great? It's easy - VOLUNTEER!
The Mahoning Valley is a wonderful place to live because of those who took the initiative to get involved. Members past and present of the Mahoning Valley Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 have been proud to serve their community since 1951. You won't be able to deny the good feeling you will get inside knowing that you are part of a long list of community minded individuals who stepped up to make a difference as part of something bigger than themselves.
Every organization needs talented individuals who once united for a common cause can make increadibly good things happen. Everyone has a talent. Any volunteer fire company can benefit from something you are good at or willing to learn. It goes beyond just responding to the call. We have a business side, a social side, and of course an operational side. Bring us a talent and we will graciously put it to good use for our community. JOIN OUR FAMILY!
Be part of something greater than yourself. Volunteer. Fill out the form below and let us know your interested in finding out all of the good things that can come out of it.